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2024-01-20 10:00am - 12:00pm Forecourt of Academic Block

The Anglican University College of Technology has held its 9th Matriculation ceremony.

The ceremony, held on Saturday, 20th January, 2024 at the Nkoranza campus of the University College saw about 230 students taking the Matriculation oath. The ceremony was to formally induct matriculants as bona fide students into the institution.


Swearing the matriculation oath, the students, the highest number since the University College’s inception, promised to abide by all the rules and regulations of the institution.


In his matriculation address, the Ag. President Solomon Panford Esq. APR, said matriculation day is historic for both students and the University as for the University, it is a day that the student is required to take an oath that must not be breached during one’s period of stay while for the matriculants, it is a day they can officially say they are students of the institution.


He informed the students that, like starting anything new, it was natural to experience several conflicting feelings: uncertainty and fear of the unknown, as well as curiosity and excitement about the opportunities that lie ahead of them. He urged them to ensure they obey all rules and regulations; as ‘any individual who comes into conflict with these will take individual responsibility for any action or inaction on their part, as the case may be’.


Adding on he said students should use the support system available to them and follow the official grievance procedures, should any of them have cause to complain.


Advising the matriculants, the Ag. President said the freedom available to them in a tertiary institution like ANGUTECH should be managed very well by striking a fair balance between academic work and other extra curricula activities including religious and social activities.


On behalf of the entire institution, he welcomed the students to ANGUTECH and wished them well in their studies, God’s blessings and protection throughout their period of stay in the University and to become responsible citizens to help the growth and development  of Ghana and beyond.


Present at the ceremony were the Registrar, Deans, heads of department, members of convocation, some executives of the SRC and Senior and junior staff of the University College.