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2025-01-18 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM Forecourt of Academic block

The Anglican University College of Technology has held its 10th Matriculation ceremony. The ceremony held at the Nkoranza campus of the University College on Saturday, 18th January, 2025, saw 336 students enrolled on the various programmes offered by the University College taking the Matriculation oath. 


Taking the oath, the new students pledged to be diligent in the pursuit of their programmes of study and also uphold the principles of excellence and integrity for which the University College stands.                      


In his address, President of the University College, Dr. Eric Palmer Amaning said events such as matriculation were very relevant for the institution’s existence as a University College as it is aimed at formally inducting students into it.


He informed students that, as soon as they take the Matriculation Oath, they will be required to avail themselves to a regime of laboratory work, hands-on skills and fieldwork all delivered and supervised by experienced lecturers.


He encouraged matriculants to ensure all rules and regulations are adhered to as they will take individual responsibility for any action or inaction on their part. He further urged any student who may have any cause to complain to follow the grievance procedures as stipulated.


Advising students, the President asked them to take good care of all academic facilities available to them since a lot of money has gone into their provision.


On behalf of the entire institution, he congratulated the students, wished them well and welcomed them to ANGUTECH.


Present at the ceremony were the Registrar, heads of department, members of convocation, some executives of the SRC and Senior and junior staff of the University College.


Source: ANGUTECH, 2025