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2024-05-04 10:00AM - 12:00PM Forecourt of Academic Block

The Anglican University College of Technology (ANGUTECH) held its 4th Graduation ceremony on Saturday, 4th May, 2024. The ceremony held at the Forecourt of the Academic block, Nkoranza campus saw 119 students who completed their various programmes of study at the end of the 2022/2023 academic year graduating.


In his welcome address, Chairman of the University College’s Governing Council, Dr. Daniel Owiredu welcomed all especially graduands, congratulated them and said they were the reason for the day’s gathering. He also welcomed and extended his appreciation to all who honoured the institution’s invitation to the ceremony making special mention of Prof. Charles Ofosu Marfo, representative of the Vice-Chancellor, KNUST, Prof. Elvis Ofori Ameyaw, representative of the Vice-Chancellor, UCC, Dr. Peasah Koduah, Deputy Registrar of the MDC and guest speaker for the ceremony and Nana Adomako Nketiah III, Nkoranza Kokofuhene, who represented Nana Kwame Baffoe IV, President of the Nkoranza Traditional Council.


On behalf of Council, Dr. Owiredu extended appreciation to all members of staff and students who inspite of the several challenges they face in the delivery of their mandate went the extra mile to ensure success such as the days was chalked.


He also acknowledged the continuing support received from the institution’s stakeholders including the church, regulators, mentoring institutions and Nananom.


In a message to graduands, he urged them to look beyond what was studied on paper as they join the professional world. Adding on, he said employers today look beyond what was studied on paper and are now more interested in competencies applicants possess beyond what was taught in the classroom.  

He urged graduands to adapt to change as their adaptability to change will determine the heights to which they will reach as professionals. 

The President of the University College Dr. Eric Palmer-Amaning, in his address highlighted some events that took place in the course of the academic year and added that, successes chalked in the year was proof that, through gentle strides, the University College will get to where it wants to be. 

Providing details on programmes offered, Dr. Palmer-Amaning said “our academic programmes span across specialties in Health and Business Administration. It is our hope that, we will find the financial ability to add on some new programmes soon”.


On the way forward for the University College, he said in line with the new Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 (Act 1023), the institution is working hard to obtain a charter within the period set out by GTEC so to enable it meet all its charter financial requirement, an Endowment Fund has been set up. He urged all who have the institution at heart to contribute towards the Fund.


The guest speaker for the ceremony Dr. Peasah Koduah, Deputy Registrar of the Medical and Dental Council (MDC) said the role of MDC is to secure in the public interest, the highest standards in the training and practice of medicine and dentistry in Ghana.


According to him, in furtherance of its role, the Council is mandated to among others assess facilities and contents of programmes for the training of doctors, dentists and physician assistants in training institutions and also prescribe and enforce professional standards for practitioners. 

Adding on, Dr. Peasah Koduah said “the declining performance of Physician Assistants in the Council’s licentiate examination is a growing concern and indicative of the falling standards in training across various schools”. The Council, he said will continue to pay unannounced monitoring visits to institutions and any institution found wanting will be de-accredited. He called on all stakeholders to support MDC’s efforts to advance quality and safety of medical and dental training and practice for the collective good of the nation. 

In his word to graduands, Dr. Peasah Koduah tasked them to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained to effect positive change in their personal lives and society as a whole. He finally urged them to expand their knowledge continuously as in today’s rapidly evolving world, new methods and practices emerge constantly particularly in health care. 

Awards were presented to some outstanding students of the institution. Mr. Daniel Afenyi-Donkor received both the Arch-Bishop and President’s award for the overall best student of the 2022/23 graduating class (Level 100- 400) and overall best student (Physician Assistantship).

Miss Doreenda Konotey received the President’s award as the overall best student of the 2022/23 graduating class (Post-Basic Physician Assistantship).

Other awardees were: Miss Maame Ama Bonney - Overall best student (Nursing)- President’s Award

Miss Charlotte Sullo - overall best student 2022/23 graduating class (Post-Basic Nursing)- President’s Award and Miss Racheal Kwatemaa - overall best female student 2022/23 graduating class - Prof. Marian Ewurama Addy’s Award. 

Present at the ceremony were some members of staff, students, alumni and parents/guardians of the graduands.